Mission of our legal advisor is to offer the best solution for resolving difficult issues and to find a compromise for making business expansion in the right jurisdiction, corporate and tax structure which suits best. Providing registration, authorization and corporate support is on us.
We have a wide network of partners in different countries and provide set-up of the company, corporate management and domiciliation services, corporate reorganization and reconstruction, other corporate deals in EU, Asia, offshore jurisdictions, any country suiting the business needs of the client.
We have certified compliance officers who have experience in protecting deals all over the world. We take responsibility for jurisdiction analysis of the targeted market to prevent and mitigate legal risks.
Choosing jurisdiction and building the legal scheme becomes applicable and effective only because we find the best possible taxation. We provide advice in individual taxation, corporate taxes, VAT and indirect taxes. Our accounting partners are responsible for preparing income, estate, and gift tax returns for individuals, small businesses, estates, and trusts.